On-site approach

All cultivation-technical advice will be provided by a personal consultant in an objective, reliable and independent manner:

  • Technical support for the grower and manager
  • Support provided via Skype, email or telephone
  • The following topics are examined during our on-site visits:
     - Climate
     - Irrigation strategy
     - Plant nutrition
     - Energy management 
     - Labour management
  • If desired, a report can be compiled of the visit.

During these visits, we look beyond the technical aspects of cultivation alone; we take all the operational management facets of your organisation into consideration too. Our on-site visits can be divided into three phases:

  • Crop evaluation
  • Discussion of the previous period
  • Advice for the period to come

Knowledge exchange and education

It is  imperative for us to stay on top of the latest developments in the greenhouse industry

Knowledge exchange

  • Weekly internal reports
  • Meetings
  • Field trips
  • Drawing up blueprints for various crops for the new cultivation season

Maintaining contact with various specialists in the greenhouse industry such as research centres, suppliers, laboratories for plant juice and leaf analysis.